The Nacho Manifesto

40+ recipes that prove nachos rule the snack world
By Jack Campbell


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About The Nacho Manifesto

Nachos are perfection. This we all know. Even the most haphazard assemblage of corn-flavoured cardboard and bright orange oozy cheese is tasty. Arguably, nachos are the greatest snackfood ever. Jack Campbell makes the compelling case that nachos can – and should – be enjoyed every day of the year. Throw out all fears of ‘junk food’ and embrace this gooey, crunchy deliciousness.

In The Nacho Manifesto you’ll find more than 40 of the best nacho recipes using a variety of bases, including classic tortilla chips, sweet potatoes, crisps, Italian ciabatta bread, and even waffles. Then there’s the array of toppings, like Texas-style chicken nachos with mango and jicama salsa, or the gratuitous cheeseburger nachos… And – for good measure – you’ll find a bunch of breakfast and dessert nachos too! S’mores Nachos, anyone?

Book details

Publication date
July 2018 (UK)
September 2018 (US)
219 mm × 179 mm
192 pages

About the author

Jack Campbell is an adventurous cook and food writer based in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of The Little Bacon Cookbook, The Scratch & Sniff Bacon Cookbook and The Nacho Manifesto, all published by Smith Street Books. It’s safe to say that Jack is a dude food aficionado.